Due to the recent blog creation by my dear sister
Kristin (and subsequent tagging of my blog to hers), I have decided to get back on the "blog train" as she calls it.
Since I last wrote, we got:


It's been a crazy year! In October, Pat got a new job which led to our move to Red Oak. Buying our first house was stressful to say the least-- I'm so glad we'll never be first time homebuyers again. We also became parents! Buster is a beautiful chocolate lab and we love him lots. He is basically a very hairy toddler who slobbers and barks. In May I finished my second year of teaching Kindergarten at CDA. This Fall I'll make the bittersweet transition into administrative office. Looking forward to a change, but I'll miss teaching.
It's a rainy July 3rd and our fellow Red Oakians are already shooting off their firecrackers! It's only 6:30! Happy Independence Day, everyone!